Tuition Policy
The Office of Catholic Schools has coordinated a tuition policy to be utilized by the Catholic schools within the Diocese of Greensburg. This policy has been established to ensure that the tuition procedures and guidelines are consistent and fair among families with children attending Catholic schools within the diocese. This policy has been implemented through the Office of Catholic Schools, under the approval of the Superintendent of Catholic Schools. The Office of Catholic Schools reserves the right to adjust this policy and coinciding procedures as deemed necessary.
Establishing Tuition
Our school administration works with the Office of Catholic School and the Finance Office to establish a per student cost to educate that is representative of the school’s budget needs, while making your child’s education affordable. Our cost to educate each student for the 2024-25 year is $7,887, plus a $100 technology fee, however, due to fundraising efforts of our families and our Annual Appeal, we are able to bring the tuition amount down. Families have the opportunity to apply for financial aid via FACTS Grant & Aid. A link to this application is available under the ‘Admissions’ tab, on the FACTS & financial aid page. Our average net tuition for students receiving financial aid during the 2023-24 year was $2800. If a family chooses not to apply for financial aid, we will discuss with each family individually to decide a net tuition which is often within the range of $4,700 to $4,900.
Tuition Planning and Payment Schedule
Schools establish and announce their tuition rate for the following school year. Tuition rates are established based on budgetary needs and enrollment.
End of January – beginning of February – Catholic schools open their application process for the upcoming school year and FACTS application forms are available for parents/guardians to submit for financial aid. If families have applied to FACTS by March 15, and the student attends the school during the upcoming school year, the FACTS application fee will be deducted from the student’s tuition.
End of May – Once parents/guardians have completed their financial aid (FACTS) application process and this information has been verified, tuition award letters are disseminated by the school to parents/guardians noting the tuition amount with any scholarships and financial aid awards.
June 30 – Last date for returning families to apply for financial aid. New families apply for financial aid upon enrollment.
July 10 – Last date for returning the Tuition Payment Contract. No financial aid is guaranteed following this date.
Options for payment:
- One lump sum payment by August 1of the upcoming school year.
- Two equal payments – First payment due by August 1 of the upcoming school year and the second payment due by January 15 of the current school year.
- Monthly payment plan on FACTS that will bring the balance to zero by May 20 or earlier of the school year completed in May. FACTS payments can be made by ACH or credit card. If credit card is chosen, a service charge will be assessed by FACTS.
- Any of the above options, but paid through a credit card. If a credit card payment method is chosen, an additional service fee may be charged, and this service fee will be announced on an annual basis.
- No cash will be accepted for payment. Payment must be made by check or money order.
- An approved (by school administration) combination of the above options.
The chosen method for payment must be indicated on the Tuition Payment Agreement, and signed and returned by the parents/guardian.
Tuition Payment in Default
If a payment is not made, for whatever reason, the following process will be followed:
- The parents/guardians will be notified in writing of the payment not being received.
- The parents/guardians will be given 20 calendar days to bring the account to the current status or meet with school administration to have an adjusted payment contract approved (not a guarantee).
- If the account is not brought to current status, and an adjusted payment contract is not agreed upon and approved by school administration, the student enrollment will cease after the 20th day.
- Repeat occurances can result in student disenrollment at the discretion of administration.
- The bank account/card associated with the FACTS payment agreement must be current at all times. If the account becomes inactive, it must be made current within 5 calendar days or disenrollment could occur.
The parents/guardians must agree to the following:
- To pay all amounts due under the tuition payment agreement/policy. If another person is responsible to pay any part of the amount due for the child(ren), and she/he fails to pay when due, the parents/guardians must agree to pay all amounts due immediately upon notification by the school.
- To pay for the entire semester if the child(ren) leaves before that semester is completed;
- To abide by the student-parent handbook and know that if the child(ren) violates any portion of the student-parent handbook and/or is removed or expelled from the school for any reason consistent with the student-parent handbook or Office of Catholic Schools policy, then the parents/guardians are not entitled to a proportionate refund of tuition. In addition, the parents/guardians are legally responsible for paying any tuition owed at the time the child(ren) stopped attending the school.
- To be legally responsible for paying the tuition described above according to the tuition payment agreement and within the applicable timeframes. The school may take any action available and consistent with applicable law in order to collect unpaid tuition owed by the parents/guardians including but not limited to withholding academic transcripts.
Transfer of Students with Past Balance
No students will be accepted to any Catholic school within the Diocese of Greensburg if they are carrying a past due balance from any other Catholic school within the Diocese of Greensburg.