Chapter Book Club Grades 1-6 This is a summer program. Students advancing into first through sixth grade may choose to participate in the Summer Chapter Book Club. During the summer months, they are asked to read a designated chapter book selected by their upcoming teacher. About a week before the start of the year, the children gather with their new homeroom teacher to discuss the book, complete a relative activity, and enjoy a pizza lunch. |
Chess Club Grades 4-6 A chess tournament is held in April for students in fourth through sixth grade who want to participate in the competition. Trophies are awarded. |
Performing Arts Club Grades 3-6 Director: Sue Camele This is an after-school program. One of our most popular clubs. Children in third through sixth grade may audition for a part in that year’s show. This happens in September. Participants stay after school an average of two days a week, rehearsing for the April performance. Stage Crew is also available for those who have a greater interest in this area. |
Robotics Grade PK-6 Our students engage in the Robotics Program. They create a robot on the iPad and identifying the robot’s movements. Then, they build the robot using specially designed Legos. Using the program the students designed, the robot will perform tasks. The Robotics Program is part of the STREAM Program. |
STREAM Program Grades PK-6 STREAM stands for science, technology, religion, engineering, art, and math. The program was designed to have our students engage in project-based activities that have them collaborating with each other in small groups. The children are placed in groups of three or four and are given a project to complete. Each project comes with a set of criteria the students have to follow. They work in their groups designing, building, testing, and tweaking their projects. The teacher does nothing more than facilitate the projects. |
Summer Reading Challenge Grades PK-6 This is a summer program. All children are invited to take the Summer Reading Challenge: to read a minimum of five books suited to their reading level. Students in preschool and kindergarten may be read to by an adult. The children record the title and author of their books and turn these in at the start of the school year. All who participate receive a dress down pass and enjoy a pizza party. |
Students have the opportunity to get involved in various interest areas.