Our students compete in a number of local contests. They learn a great deal about the content of what they are studying through these contests. They also learn to produce quality pieces and take pride in their work. In some instances, the winners are asked to present their pieces before an audience. Our students are poised and confident in their presentations. This is extremely valuable to their academic foundations, as they prepare for junior high and high school.
Americanism Essay Contest Our fifth and sixth grade students participate in the Elks Americanism Essay contest. They create an essay relative to a patriotic theme. It is a great way to identify an appreciation for their country and express this appreciation. |
Elks Drug-Free Essay and Poster Contest This contest is offered by the Elks Club in an effort to promote a drug-free life. Our fourth and fifth grade students create posters that support the theme established by the Elks Club. Our sixth grade students write essays, which also support the theme. Winners at the local level move on to the state level. |
Firemen’s Essay and Poster Contest This contest is conducted throughout the area’s many fire departments. Its purpose is to educate children about the dangers of fire, how to prevent fires, as well as escape them. Children in fourth through sixth grade participate. This activity is valuable in many ways. |
Fort Necessity Essay and Poster Contest Fort Necessity sponsors a contest that focuses on two categories: “The Life of Washington” and “Washington in Fayette County”. Students may choose which category they wish to enter, and submit their own research through an essay or poster. They learn a great deal about the history of the area, as well as practicing their air and writing skills. |
Pride in Connellsville Essay and Poster Contest Sponsored by the Connellsville Historical Society, this contest is a great opportunity for students in fourth through sixth grade to research their choice of a historical part of Connellsville’s history. Children write about what they learn and portray it on a poster. Winners are recognized at a special award ceremony where students present their projects. |
Pro-Life Essay Contest This contest is sponsored by Alternatives. Yes., a pregnancy support center located in Connellsville. Our sixth grade students are asked to write an essay that supports the pro-life theme. They learn the value of life through this wonderful opportunity. |
Reading Club Competition For our fifth and sixth grade students who opt to participate, they are challenged to read a pre-determined list of books. The group meets periodically after school to discuss the books. At the end of April, the students will compete with other students in the diocese. |